The application of 3rd party certification programme in Malaysia

By 3friendsblog

Is your Web site or Internet business a trustworthy one? Many online consumers feel threatened by the evolving dangers of engaging in e-commerce and online transactions today. Their online privacy and security needs are growing rapidly. Third party certification programme is dedicated to meeting these online consumer needs while providing an Internet business solution that exposes the trustworthy Web site or Internet businesses.

The 3rd party certification programme is an important and affordable Internet business solution essential to help increase online sales. Online customers will buy often from an Internet business they can trust. 3rd party certification programme helps build that bond of trust between Internet business owners and their online customers.

How to become Third party certification in Malaysia? To become third party certification in Malaysia need to get licensed under the Digital Signature 1997 first. “Digital Signature Act 1997” is one of the Malaysia Cyberlaw. That enabling law that allows for the development of, amongst others, e-commerce by providing an avenue for secures on-line transactions through the use of digital signatures. The Act provides a framework for the licensing and regulation of Certification Authorities, and gives legal recognition to digital signatures.

MSC Sdn Bhd is one of the 3rd party certification programme in Malaysia since 1999. MSC Trustgate has joint venture with the Verisign which is the largest certificate authority behind the encryption and authentication on the Internet in American.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate Authority is a technology provider by the Verisign to the MSC Trustgate. SSL is a technology use to protect the website and makes it easy for your Web site visitors to trust you. Maybank2u has use the MSC Trustgate SSL to enables encryption of sensitive information during online transactions.

  • In the green circle we see a certificate icon by the Verisign.
  • And red circle got lock icon. click on it to see further information

  • then will show up a new window
  • click the red circle

  • it will show up another new window that show all the information about it


1 comment so far.

  1. yk June 25, 2008 at 7:02 PM
    This is quite a new info as for a internet user nowdays, having read thru this articles, i've now gain details understanding about this issue and the effort made by government to reduce internet crime.

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